LISOM is affiliated to Oral Roberts University!
Our graduates are invited to apply to Oral Roberts University for continuing education in a variety of undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral degrees. Our partnership with ORU provides LISOM graduates with some discounted tuition.
Begin taking classes as soon as Spring 2022. Students completing an ORU degree program can receive a visa to attend graduation at the Tulsa campus.
Faith House Ministries International Incorporated
is our parent ministry and pastoral front of our organization with campuses in Benin city, Nigeria and Queenstown, South Africa. LISOM and LOGOS are therefore outreach ministries in support services to the Church universal. Faith House Church is a word-centered, worship-driven, family local church where the Christian example and integrity are core values.
LOGOS, Lawrence Obada Gospel Outreaches,
is a support service to the local churches by which service, loyalty, church membership ethics are taught. We are called to marry the sheep to their shepherd
– Mal 4:6. Using church workers and ministers vacation conferences, LOGOS has organized vacation conferences in major cities of the world, including Accra, Free Town, Cape Town, and London. For further information on our annual conferences, contact us using the address below.